21 may 2013

Cuban landscape

Cuban landscape by Rey Cuba
Cuban landscape, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Unos días atras tuve la hermosa oportunidad de salir a fotografiar rincones de la otrora Habana, hoy convertida en Artemisa y Mayabeque con mi hermano y amigo Rolando Vazquez, pintor, escultor, profesor, padre y amigo. Su visión de la sociedad, su paso por la vida influyó y sigue teniendo peso en mi vida, fueron sus palabras las que me permitieron ver la ciudad que me rodeaba de otra manera, fue a través de su obra que entendi que todos necesitamos contar nuestras historias, de la manera que podamos.

El tiene el don de la palabra, asistiendolo tambien la escultura, la pintura, fotografía y grabado, tiene en su haber el haber encontrado una manera de inspirar a muchos jovenes, de darle alas a sus proyectos creativos, asi como lo hizo conmigo hace muchos años. El es un creador en potencia y amante de la vida en sus formas mas puras.

Fué el quien vió este árbol mientras recorríamos algunas carreteras de Quivican, una vez mas mostrandome que hay belleza en las cosas mas simples de la vida.

Gracias por todo Rolando.


A few days ago I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph corners out of the former Havana, now divided into two provinces and called Mayabeque and Artemisa, with my brother and friend Rolando Vazquez, painter, sculptor, teacher, father and friend. His vision of society, his journey through life and continues to influence weight in my life, were his words the ones that allowed me to see the city around me different, it was through his work that I understood that we all need to tell our stories, the best way that we can.

He has the gift of gab, assisting him also sculpture, painting, photography and printmaking, is credited with having found a way to inspire many young, to give wings to their creative projects as well as it did with me for many years. He is a potential creator and lover of life in its purest forms.

It was he who saw this tree while touring some Quivican roads, once again showing me that there is beauty in the simplest things of life.

Thanks for all Roland.


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