28 feb 2012

Light is near us

Light is near us by Rey Cuba
Light is near us, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Una veces tan cerca, otras tan lejos… será que acaso la luz que rehúye nuestro encuentro, será que no somos capaces de distinguirla.
Todos necesitamos de esa luz que nos rodea, esa que aparece en los rincones más oscuros, cesar en su búsqueda es como dejar de respirar.
En mi caso la búsqueda de la luz se tornó más palpable detrás del lente, sin dejar de buscar esa luz que nos ilumina a todos.

Sometimes so close, others far away... will be running from us, reluctant to our encounter, will be us that we are not able to distinguish it.
We all need that light that surrounds us, a light who appears in the darkest corners and cease our search is as stop breathing.
In my case the search for the light became more palpable behind the lens, while looking for that light that enlightens us all.

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