20 abr 2012

Departing line

Departing line by Rey Cuba
Departing line, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

En busca de los sueños parte el pescador, sueña con llevar el sustento a la casa y si tiene suerte podrá vender algo.

Acaso el silencio del mar, su olor e infinito azul lo llevaran directo a encontrarse con su mayor tesoro?

El pescador parte cada día soñando con regresar con las manos llenas, el sedal resistiendo los embates de su presa, para compartir luego en casa las sonrisas de sus hijos, que sueñan tener a su padre de vuelta a casa cada día, con el olor a mar perdido.

In search of dreams the fisherman goes, he dream bringing food to his family and if he is lucky will sell some.

Perhaps the silence of the sea, smell and endless blue will take him directly to meet the greatest treasure?

The fisherman leaves every day dreaming of returning with his hands full, the line to resist the attacks of its prey, then back home, he will share the smiles of the children, who dream of having his father back home every day from the lost sea.

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