19 dic 2011

Hershey at west times

Hershey at west times by Rey Cuba
Hershey at west times, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Ayer finalmente nos fuimos Laura www.flickr.com/photos/50791611@N04/ , Gilberto www.flickr.com/photos/gisaso/, Sabrina y este servidor a conocer el pueblo de Hersey.

Mucha de su historia me fué referida por Gilberto que había visitado el pueblo antes y conocía de su historia.

Hago un breve resumen Hershey ( si el mismo de los famosos chocolates), compró un terreno de tierra y se construyó en parte de sus áreas un central azucarero gigantesco, durante esos años Cuba era conocida por su capacidad azucarera, el central quedaba a 45Km de La Habana y 45Km de Matanzas.

Junto a ello se planificó y se construyó una vía electrica, la primera y unica en Cuba durante esos tiempos.

Así podía transportar lo mismo los empleados que el azucar tanto al puerto de La Habana, como al de Matanzas. Nada que le quedo un negocio cerrado, de esa manera los famosos chocolates de la epoca contaban con azucar cubana.

Hoy quedan los restos de esa historia y este pequeño pueblo está lleno de atractivos y memorias.

Durante los siguientes días les publico mas fotos de este maravilloso lugar, como siempre los Matanceros tan amables y educados, nos permitieron pasar una tarde muy agradable, la suavidad de la luz fue una de las delicias que nos acompañó.

Estoy seguro que Gilberto y Laura van a compartir mucho tambien en los días por venir.


Un abrazo y feliz comienzo de semana.

En este sitio pueden leer en ingles mucha mas información y fotos del ferrocarril.


Yesterday we finally checked out Laura www.flickr.com/photos/50791611@N04/ , Gilberto www.flickr.com/photos/gisaso/ , Sabrina and I to made our Photowalk and knowing the people of Hersey.

Much of its history, i was referred to by Gilberto that had visited the village before and knew it.

A brief summary Hershey ( Yes it is the same of the famous chocolates), purchased a plot of land and a giant sugar cane mill was built on part of their areas, during those years, Cuba was known for its sugar capacity, the central was 45 Km away from Havana and 45Km from Matanzas.

Next to this was planned and built electrical railroad, the first and only electrical in Cuba during these times.

The railroad will allow to carry the employees and the sugar using both the ports of Havana, as the Matanzas one, in this way, the famous chocolates at the time had with cuban sugar.

Today, there are the remains of this history and this small town is full of attractions and memories.

During the following days I will publish more photos of this wonderful place, as it always the Matanzas people characterized by been so friendly and polite, have allowed us to spend an afternoon very pleasant, the softness of the light was one of the delights that accompanied us.

I am sure that Gilberto and Laura will share much in the days to come.


A hug and happy beginning of the week.

In this site may read more information and photos of the railroad history.


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