24 mar 2014

21 mar 2014


Yurizander by Rey Cuba
Yurizander, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Nos vio en cuanto desembarcamos al borde del puente del pueblo de Cabezas, comenzó tímidamente acercarse, nos pasaba por el lado mirando de soslayo, hizo la ruta de ida y vuelta unas dos veces mas hasta que le pregunte su nombre...Yurizander me dijo...vives aquí?...desde que nací...me ayudas con el trípode...claro!!!

Conversamos un rato mientras buscaba los mejores momentos sobre el puente a una hora donde el transito se hacia frecuente, autos, tractores, caballos, coches y personas se turnaban el paso....Quiero ser periodista cuando crezca,me dijo...bueno ya tienes la primera virtud de tu lado, ser inquisitivo te va ayudar mucho...quiere que les enseñe donde vivo?...fuimos hasta el patio de su casa cruzando el puente y nos presentó a su madre que trabajaba dentro de la casa, nos despedimos agradeciendo su ayuda.

He spot us as soon as we landed at the edge of the bridge with the village ahead, began timidly approaching, he went by glancing, made the round trip route about twice more until I asked his name ... He said, Yurizander... Do you live here? ... since I was born ... Can you help me with the tripod...of course!

I chatted a bit with Yurizander while looking for the best moments happening on the bridge, it was an hour whith frequent traffic, cars, tractors, horses and people took turns to step .... I want to be a journalist when I grow, he said .. . well you already have the first virtue on your hand, been inquisitive will help you a lot ... I want to show you where I live ... we went to the backyard at the other side of the bridge and he introduce us to his mother who worked inside, we said goodbye and feel truly thankful for his support.

18 mar 2014


Rikimbili by Rey Cuba
Rikimbili, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Cambió su caballo por una bicicleta con motor y su sombrero de guano por una gorra adidas, pero sigue recorriendo los mismos caminos...

He changed his horse for a bike with engine and guano hat by an adidas cap, but he is still traveling the same roads ...