1 nov 2011

Gate keeper

Gate keeper by Rey Cuba
Gate keeper, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

La Habana poco a poco se ha ido vistiendo de aceros en las afueras de puertas y ventanas.

Encontrarse con una edificación donde pululan diversos herreros y formas, es parte del paisaje urbano que nos rodea.

Es preocupante como nos vamos encerrando, apartando del mundo y antes te asomabas al balcon para disfrutar de la brisa, hablar con tu vecino. Hoy el balcon esta cerrado y aislado, a veces no quieres mirar a traves de los barrotes que te separan del mundo exterior.

No solo los niños se han encerrado en sus habitaciones con sus computadoras y juegos, nosotros tambien en nombre de la seguridad y protección de lo que tenemos.......

Havana has gradually been wearing of steel in the outskirts of doors and windows.

Encountering a building where swarm various blacksmiths and forms, is part of the urban landscape that surrounds us.

It is worrying how we're going by circling, moving away from the world and before you just get to the balcony and enjoy the breeze, talk with your neighbour. Today the balcony is closed and isolated, sometimes don't want to look through the bars separating you from the outside world.

Not only the children have been locked in their rooms with their computers and games, we also in the name of security and protection of what we have .......

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