16 nov 2011

Mother & Teen

Mother & Teen by Rey Cuba
Mother & Teen, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Edad dificil tanto para los que comienzan a ser hombres y mujeres, como para nosotros los padres para aceptarlos como tal.

El mundo sigue indetenible su paso y pasamos de ser esos muchachos, luego pensarnos mas adultos, para convertirnos en los jovenazos de hoy, con mas experiencias y menos actividad física que antes.

Ellos comienzan a cuestionar nuestros puntos de vista que hasta ayer eran casi que inamovibles, resulta dificil pero muy agradable verlos crecer y tomar sus propias decisiones.

Ojala cuando llegue mi momento no se me nuble la mente y pueda aceptar mucho mas, pues es inevitable como que la tierra se mueve.

Suerte con tu tarea Maye.

Difficult age for both those that are beginning to be men and women as well as for us parents to accept them as such. T

he world continues its unstoppable step and we went from been like those boys, then we consider ourselves more adults, to become the young fellows "jovenazos" we are today, with more experiences and less physical activity than before.

They begin to question our views that until yesterday, were almost irremovable, it is difficult but very nice seeing them grow up and make their own decisions.

Hopefully when i arrived my time i am not cloud the mind and to be able to accept much more, because it is inevitable as that the earth moves.

Good luck with your task Maye.

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