9 nov 2011

Little dreams fisherman

Little dreams fisherman by Rey Cuba
Little dreams fisherman, a photo by Rey Cuba on Flickr.

Una familia compuesta por dos niñas, un niño (nuestro pescador en escena) mas un adulto rondaban los bajos de dos puentes cercanos.

Al vernos no se dieron por enterado y me sentí a gusto tratando de hacer fotos mientras ellos disfrutaban del reto de capturar algún pez cerca del muelle.

Al retirarnos el muchacho le preguntó a su tía..." tía en que programa de la TV vamos a salir?, tu sabes de que programa son ellos?................de mas esta decir que me retiré con la sonrisa en los labios, pues quedo en su memoria la posibilidad de ser famoso por algunos segundos delante de la pantalla chica.

Cuantos de nosotros no hemos soñado como este pequeño pescador....un abrazo y tengan buen día.

A family consisting of two girls, a child (our fisherman in scene) plus a adult roamed the low two bridges near.

When they saw us they acted as we were not there and i was happy trying to make pictures while they enjoyed the challenge of capturing some fish near the dock.

When we were leaving the scene the boy asked his aunt ... " aunt are they taking this for the TV, are we going to be on TV?, you happen to know in which program they work at?... ............. I was enjoying while getting out of the dock, with a little smile on the lips, because it was in its memory the possibility of being famous for a few seconds in front of the small screen.

How many of us we have not dreamed as this small fisherman .... a hug and have a great day.

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